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Mountains🏔 They sure have the best views from the top, but boy are they hard to climb sometimes. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis with the accompanying treatment plan felt like one huge roadblock. Especially at the age of 31, 2020 was supposed to be my year. My year to start a business/nonprofit and also hopefully discover the man I would call my husband one day. But when the conversation shifts to you chopping off boobs and losing all your hair, somehow those 2020 dreams start to seem a little harder to obtain.

But one thing I’ve learned is that God is a masterful artist. He works everything for good. My dreams are not dead now but rather inspired by greater intention. Because of cancer, I can now speak with a deeper sense of empathy and strength that comes from my maker to those who may be climbing mountains of their own. I’m not putting off my goal of launching a business/nonprofit; I’m starting it right now in the middle of the chaos with a heightened sense of purpose. And while cancer isn’t exactly sexy, I believe the man God has in store for me will look past the scars and hollow beauty features we can sometimes hide behind and instead relish in the value of my heart.

God makes all types of mountains and some are made just a little more ruggedly beautiful❤️