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You’re beautiful❤️

But how often do we question this statement? If you’re anything like me, you’ve struggled believing this truth more times than you’d like to admit.

I’ve fought with my hair my entire life. My out-of-control curls and amateur fro dictated how I felt about myself too often as I grew up. I even remember one time in middle school when a friend picked out a large wad of tape someone had thrown into my pony tail puff. As I grew up, I found ways to create an image I was more comfortable wearing, one with straightened hair and long extensions to make up for what I was lacking.

But if there’s one thing about cancer, it doesn’t care about your hair. Chemo strips you down to your barest form, and it exposes all your blemishes.

So when your most authentic identity is revealed, what do you look like? What do other people see when they look at you in your rawest form?

My hope is that I shine brightly with God’s power. I pray that people see his strength, humility, tenderness, bravery, and love through me. Because captivating beauty was never about the hair, but it has always been about the heart.