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“Life goes by fast, so you better do it if it’s something you really want to do.”

That’s what my dad said to me when I first told him about my plans to create American Honey.

To be honest, I have a hard time telling anyone about my goals. Even my own parents. Until I am successful at carrying them out, I find it difficult to talk to people about the mess of my ideas or show them my progress pains. Because it’s just that. It’s messy. Growing isn’t glamorous most of the time. It’s hard work. It’s messing up and trying again.

I watched a sermon on Sunday that hit close to home (“Thank God I Said Yes” at Red Rocks Church-look them up!). It was about the power of our “Yes.” Sometimes God calls us to walk faithfully forward without having all the answers first. I like to have the end all planned out from the beginning, so I struggle with this.

But my dad is right. Life is too short to not start right now on the things you are passionate about. We aren’t called to be perfect, we’re just called to be faithful. To keep showing up. To keep trying.

So thanks for letting me show up here imperfectly and learn as I go. I hope you feel permission to say “yes” to all the things set on your heart too.

📸: This picture was from when my dad came and stayed with me for a week and half after needing to freeze my eggs before going through chemo and radiation. He took me to all my fertility appointments, worked on countless house projects, and even watched The Bachelor with us😜