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Sick Days: The Golden Rule on full display

I took a sick day from work yesterday in order to have my chemo treatment. I’ve been taking sick days a lot these last couple months. And luckily for me, I have a lot accrued. You see, I’ve been working at the same job for over seven years now and rarely did I ever take a sick day. I was healthy, so I showed up and continued to work. When others took sick days, I helped fill their roles and took on their responsibilities where I could.

The moment I got my cancer diagnosis though, the tables were turned. All of a sudden, I needed other people to start stepping up on my behalf.

And isn’t that the same with life in general? When life gives us trouble, the help of others is desperately needed.

My sick days haven’t just been with work, though. Cancer threw my whole world upside down, and it’s overwhelming to me sometimes looking at all the people who have stepped in to help. The outpour of kindness displayed by family, friends, and strangers has been the greatest gift during one of the heaviest times in my life. And because of it, my burdens have been lighter, and I’ve felt an overarching feeling of joy amidst a time that could have been anything but joy filled.

And it got me thinking about the Golden Rule that stems from Mathew 7:12. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…”

Have you accrued your sick days? When you are healthy and can help, do you step in to ease the burdens of others who are going through a difficult time? You never know when those tables may be turned and you may be needing the help of those you once had a choice to serve or look past.

I’m so grateful for the people who have poured into my life in so many different ways. You have reminded me countless times the power of showing up for people when you can. Thank you for loving me in the same way I hope to love you right back❤️

*Thanks to all the prayers yesterday (and the lucky leopard print pants just for fun😜), my bloodwork ended up being great yesterday and I was cleared for chemo! Onward! 9 more infusions to go!