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We get through hard things better together.

There are times in our lives where we can feel completely defeated, exhausted, and confused on which way to turn. Some days it feels like we are running a race we can’t win, and some days the heaviness of a situation can just feel too big to carry.

I’ve felt all those things before. But one thing that you all have taught me so clearly is that we don’t have to carry these burdens alone. We are so much stronger fighting hard things together.

My feed has been filled with updates on these fires at home, and I’ve felt a bit helpless. But one thing I CAN do is celebrate the helpers. Those people doing their best to lighten the load of others during these unsettling times.

I’ve always wanted this space to be a place where people feel celebrated and seen. So today I would love for you to tag anyone who has been a helper in your life and tell us how they have made an impact. This can be related to the current fires but definitely does not have to be confined to just that situation. I know we all have our own figurative fires we fight every day.

I’ll be sending $5 off gift cards to the online boutique to every person who tags a helper in their life today and tells us how they have made an impact. I’ll also be sending a $5 off gift card to the helper that is tagged as well.

Even if it’s just a few words, tell us who has helped lighten the load in your life lately!

Gift card codes will be sent tomorrow morning and can be used in the online boutique that will be open through this upcoming Tuesday, the 15th at the following link (or click the link in my bio):