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“You’re going to have to hold your breath. You’ll have to hold it for pretty long, so if you can’t make it, don’t worry. Just breathe.”

That’s what my doctor said as we got started with radiation today. They laid me down on the backboard and slid me under the machine. They lined up the three tattoo markers they made on my skin last week with the green laser beams that shoot across the room. Red bulbs on the side walls shine brightly as they monitor my breathing and movement, ready to shut off the machine in an instant if need be. I have to admit, it’s a decent light show in there 😜

Each round of radiation is about 30 seconds. Before starting, the doctors count down and on your third breath, you’re asked to hold it in. This moves your heart down and away from the radiation, making sure it stays protected.

There are seasons in our lives where it seems like we are asked to hold our breath for too long. We hold our breath waiting on the medical results. We hold our breath waiting on the pandemic effects to end. We hold our breath waiting on that person to change, or to get that job, or on those pregnancy results, or to feel whole again after a divorce. We wait, holding our breath, trying our best to protect our heart from getting damaged as we walk through the trials life gives us.

But just as my doctors told me, if you can’t hold it for that long, it’s okay. Just breathe.

God promises us rest in the middle of every difficult journey. He promises us peace amidst the most turbulent waters. He promises us joy even in disheartening times. And he will always protect your heart. All we have to do is come to him. Allow him to carry the burdens we were never meant to hold.

We might be strong but we are still human. So if you’re having a hard time holding your breath for much longer, it’s okay. Just breathe.

#breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #cancer #breastcancerwarrior
#radiation #faith