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God’s love is perfect on your worst days and best days.

The picture on the left was after waking up to yet another 8am doctor call. Since being diagnosed with breast cancer just a few days prior, my phone had been bombarded with nonstop doctor calls.

I looked completely haggard. My eyes were swollen from crying myself to sleep the night before as I waited on results to see if the cancer had spread further throughout my body. Every ounce of me was terrified to hear bad news. Even though I felt so betrayed by God, I had slept with my Bible that night in an effort to feel some sense of comfort.

It felt like one big cruel joke.

Why did God allow this?

And the real answer is…I don’t really know. I don’t always understand why God allows harmful things into our lives or why we have to go through such heartache sometimes.

But I do know this: God is love, and that love is perfect every day. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). God is the same God in the first picture as He is in the second. He is the same God in the valleys as He is on the mountain tops. He is the same God when I have cancer as He is when I don’t.

He may have allowed me to have some things stripped away from life, but I assure you, He has poured more in than He ever allowed to be taken out. He is forever faithful and wants nothing but good for my life and for yours.

So if you’re mad at God, I get it. He gets it, too. This year has been a hard one for so many of us. But He still loves you and has a beautiful story for your life, one that is made more powerful from the struggles you have been allowed to face.

I pray that 2021 is everything you’ve wanted. But regardless of what this new year brings, lean in, even when you don’t understand. Let Him guide your steps. You might be in for an adventure, but only He knows the routes to the best places, and sometimes that means going through a valley to get to a mountain top.

God is love, so let love lead.

Let love lead always wins. Today and the next and the next.

Cheers to ringing in 2021 and for walking into the new year stronger and wiser and kinder from all that we learned in 2020❤️