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What a catch!

The most important thing that I will ever be is a wife and a mom.

But spoiler alert: I’m neither of those yet. And ya know what? It’s okay.

It’s okay to be single. It’s okay to wait for the one that makes your soul feel at peace. It’s okay to have high expectations for the person you’re committing your life to, the one that will be a parent to your children.

It’s okay if you haven’t found “the one” yet. And maybe it’s because you’re growing into “the one.”

Some of my favorite dating advice is the idea that instead of trying to FIND the right person, that we should instead try to BE the right person. Be the best version of you. Be the person you’d want to spend the rest of your life with. Be the person you’d want to raise your kids. Be the person that you could trust. Be the person who would inspire you, challenge you, and make you laugh.

Love is patient, and God loves our faithfulness in waiting on His perfect timing.

In the mean time, I know there are a lot of fish in the sea… but I much prefer these slow ones at the bottom of a frozen lake that are easier to catch😜
