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When I first dreamed up the idea of writing a devotional, I knew right away I wanted to have the stories of other breast cancer warriors and survivors in it as well. I knew their stories would be so powerful for others to hear. I also knew how much healing I found in sharing my journey with others, so I wanted to be able to offer that to other women to do as well.

Some of these women I met allll the way back in October when I first started this journey! Throughout this year, many of us have been able to continue to support and encourage each other. That is something that I have found incredibly special about the breast cancer community. It really is a “club” that no one willingly signs up for, but it’s one that comes with some INCREDIBLE women.

So lucky to have met these beauties this year and to be able to launch this Christian devotional with them💕

Our book is released this Easter Sunday on Amazon and is called Twice the Warrior!
